
Offshore Industries & Markets 2016 Virtual Round Table

Sharon A. Beesley provides her expert analysis in relation to the latest regulatory changes and interesting developments in Bermuda including a summary of different types of offshore companies and centres, an outline on the process and administration involved for company formations and the latest trends in relation to transparency and elimination of tax evasion.

As originally published by Corporate LiveWire.

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Doing Business In Bermuda

Stephanie Paiva Sanderson discusses various aspects which should be considered when choosing Bermuda as an investment destination including what makes Bermuda unique, incentives in place to attract international investors, pitfalls and general advice for prospective investors seeking to access the Bermuda market.

As originally published by IFLR1000.

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The Common Reporting Standard

On 1 January 2016, the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) enters into effect in Bermuda as an early adopter jurisdiction. In furtherance of its objectives, the CRS imposes due diligence and reporting requirements on financial institutions, which include investment fund vehicles.

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