
Bermuda Offers What Other Offshore Jurisdictions Don’t

In an article published in the China Business Law Journal, Stephanie Sanderson discusses why sophisticated and discerning businesses, high net worth individuals (HNWIs) and investors make Bermuda their jurisdiction of choice and what makes Bermuda stand out as a world-class centre of commerce.

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BeesMont Contributes Bermuda Chapter in Getting the Deal Through: Mergers & Acquisitions 2017

Stephanie Sanderson, Corporate Partner, authored the Bermuda Chapter in Getting the Deal Through: Mergers & Acquisitions 2017. This volume is a part of the popular Getting the Deal Through series of legal guides, the market leading global guide to law and regulation. The Bermuda chapter follows a ‘Q&A’ framework discussing topical trends as well as providing essential need to know answers to fundamental questions facing corporations and counsel.

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 Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. Getting the Deal Through: Mergers & Acquisitions 2017, (published in May 2017; contributing editor: Alan M Klein, Simpson Thacher & Barlett LLP) For further information please visit https://gettingthedealthrough.com/area/21/mergers-acquisitions/


Strengthening the Rights of Children in Bermuda: PIPA

Gretchen Tucker, Litigation Attorney, contributed an article to the Bermuda Parent Magazine (Fall 2017) discussing the Personal Information Protection Act, due to come fully into force in late summer 2018, and why special care needs to be afforded to the collection, processing and disclosure of personal information relating to children.

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Sharon A. Beesley is an Executive to Watch

Sharon A. Beesley, Partner and CEO of BeesMont Law, has been highlighted as an executive to watch in the Women in Hamilton edition of Re+ILS (Summer 2017) featuring leading female executives in Bermuda.

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BeesMont on Women’s Resource Centre Panel

Photo for WRC Article (2)

Litigation Attorney, Gretchen Tucker, appeared as a panelist at the Women’s Resource Centre Event “Thinking of a legal career?” held at KPMG on 24th July 2017, which targeted female students and professionals interested in pursuing law as a career.

Core issues discussed by the all-female panel included career progression as female practitioners, the value of a law degree and related opportunities in private practice, the civil service and other industries within Bermuda along with the necessary study skills needed to obtain legal qualifications.

Attendees interacted with the panel in an extended question and answer session where the panelists were invited to speak on their experiences with discrimination, perceptions on glass ceilings within the jurisdiction, finding adequate mentoring on island and partnership with male colleagues for a successful legal career. An informal cocktails and hors d’oeuvres closing reception provided an opportunity for attendees to personally meet the panelists and discuss their individual career objectives.

For more information on current events held by the Women’s Resource Centre please see www.wrcbermuda.com


HFM Special Report on Bermuda 2017

Stephanie P. Sanderson contributed to the HFM Special Report on Bermuda 2017 with an article entitled ‘Bermuda’s Sophisticated International Transparency and Regulatory Environment’ reflecting on Bermuda’s international reputation and the designations the domicile has achieved which make Bermuda a sound and advantageous business hub.

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Bermuda Tax Information Reporting Portal Launched

Stephanie P. Sanderson, Corporate Partner, provides an update on the launch of the Bermuda Government’s Tax Information Reporting Portal (Portal) which went live on June 16th 2017 (https://bdaaeoi.bm/PublicForm/PublicForm.aspx). The Portal is currently accepting Common Reporting Standard (CRS) notifications and CRS report filings enabling Bermuda Reporting Financial Institutions to satisfy their notification and reporting obligations under the CRS Regulations.

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